
Steemit tools by @firedream

Steem Bot Analysis Steem Cash Flow Steem Flag Analysis Steem Stalker Organic Trending Page
Steem Curation Rewards Flow Steem Curation Break-Down

A tool for analysing the post date of bid bot users. Shows how old is the post at the time of vote purchase

A tool for showing the day-by-day "forcasted" payments of your posts and comments for the following 1 week time.

A tool for analysing the flag history of a user. Who he flagged,with how much % ,which post, when etc..

This is more than following. Catch the real-time activity of users you select and be informed right on time.

What would the trending page be like without bidbots and circle voters? Here is the answer.

A tool for showing the day-by-day "forcasted" CURATION rewards of your votes for the following 1 week time.

A tool for showing the curation break down of all the voters in a post. Also shows the curation performance
( vote value / curation earned )

Steem Curation Bot Simulation

A bot simulator for curation maximization

Steemit Followers

Shows the details of your Steemit followers. You can sort followers according to various parameters.